


【英語教學資源中心之AI與EMI教學輔助工具系列工作坊】演講主題:AI-n't a Given: Mastering Key AI Literacy Skills and Pedagogical Techniques

活動日期: 2024/05/27 (一)
時間:早上10:00~中午12:30 認證時數: 2小時    

講者姓名:Dr. Krisztina Domjan 
Krisztina is a progressive and compassionate educator with experience in a range of educational settings: higher, adult, and secondary education of civilian and military learners. She has taught Intercultural Studies, Research Writing, Composition and Discussion courses in Hungary, in England, in Germany (military base) and in the USA. She is an advocate of lifelong learning, professional development, innovative teaching practices, continuous fieldwork and qualitative research in education for the enhancement of the learning experience, inclusion and student retention. She shares innovative and stimulating ideas and professional development resources with colleagues and in professional learning circles. She has experience teaching in-person and online courses. Dr. Domjan is currently serving as the Chair of the OGIS Faculty Council.

Join this university talk to understand how faculty and students can gain AI literacy. The session will also explore the effective pedagogical strategies as well as the varied applications and educational value of AI chatbots.  Educators will learn how to seamlessly incorporate AI technologies into their teaching approaches, while college students will explore how AI chatbots can be customized to enhance their learning journey.

【Learning Outcomes】
Identify various AI tools and understand their features and limitations within an educational context.
Critically assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of AI technologies for different types of course content.
Utilize chatbots as educational tools, enhancing engagement and facilitating personalized learning.
Integrate AI tools into course planning, ensuring that these technologies support educational objectives and contribute to learning outcomes.
Gain insights into the ethical considerations of using AI, including the impact on student autonomy.

承辦單位:The EMI Resource Center
聯絡人:劉嫻慧 0229393091分機60328