



░ 面向翻譯不匹配的定量研究:應用於法譯漢的語言學方法

Towards a Quantitative Study of Translation Mismatches: A Linguistic Approach Applied to French-Chinese (每場次限量25名,備有餐盒,敬請提早報名! )


Translation mismatches have been primarily explored in translation studies and machine translation. However, they play a significant role in general linguistics, especially within the Meaning-Text Theory framework (Mel'čuk 1988). In this presentation, I will demonstrate how the modeling of translation mismatches in the MTT is applied to a French-Chinese translation corpus and discuss how this phenomenon can be more accurately quantified using corpus linguistics methodology.

翻譯不匹配主要在翻譯研究與機器翻譯領域受到關注。而在一般語言學裡,它則在意義-文本理論框架(Mel'čuk 1988)中發揮重要作用。本次演講,Rafaël Poiret 將示範如何將翻譯不匹配建模應用於法漢翻譯語料庫,並討論如何使用語料庫語言學方法以達更準確地量化此一現象。

3/18(Mon) 15:30 - 17:00

Conference Room 814, Dah Hsian Seetoo Library 8F, NCCU|政治大學達賢圖書館814會議室(8樓)

【Lecture Schedule|活動流程】
15:30 - 15:35  Opening(Professor Siaw-Fong Chung)|開場(鍾曉芳教授)
15:35 - 16:35  Lecture by Dr. Rafaël Poiret| 演講( Dr. Rafaël Poiret)
16:35 - 17:00  Comments by Dr. Laurent Prévot|與談(Dr. Laurent Prévot)

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)|國家科學及技術委員會

【Co-Organizer|合辦單位 】
The EMI Resource Center, National Chengchi University |國立政治大學英語教學資源中心
The Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office, National Chengchi University|國立政治大學雙語及多元文化推動辦公室

Inquiry: nccu.emi@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/nccu.emi